Martin Genet

Mechanics Department & Solid Mechanics Laboratory (M3DISIM team)
École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France


Google Scholar Profile

Research Activities

My original background is in Computational Mechanics and Computational Materials Science. The ultimate aspiration of my current research is to use the fundamental laws of physics and the power of modern computing and imaging facilities to improve cardiology and pulmonology.


  • 2022: Accreditation to supervise research (HdR), École Polytechnique, France. Thesis: “Some contributions to cardiac and pulmonary biomechanical modeling, simulation & estimation”.
  • 2010: Ph.D. in Computational Materials Science, LMT-Cachan, ENS-Cachan, France. Thesis: "Toward a virtual material for ceramic composites" (in French) (supervision: Pr. Pierre Ladevèze).
  • 2006: M.S. in Computational Mechanics, ENS-Cachan, France. First year thesis: "Investigation of a hydraulic impact—a technology in rock breaking" (supervision: Dr. Wenyi Yan). Second year thesis: "Using minicomposites for the identification of a lifetime model of CMCs" (in French) (supervision: Drs. Christophe Cluzel, Gilles Lubineau and Emannuel Baranger). First in class.
  • 2004: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, ENS-Cachan, France.
  • 2004: B.S. in Fundamental Physics, Orsay University, France.

Research Experience

  • Since September 2015: Maître de Conférence/Assistant Professor (until 08/2023), Professeur/Professor (since 09/2023) Mechanics Department and Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS) (M3DISIM team), École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
  • 2012-2015: Marie-Curie International Outgoing Fellow (PIs Pr. Julius Guccione, Pr. Ellen Kuhl & Pr. Sebastian Kozerke), Surgery Department, University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), USA, and Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ), Zurich, Switzerland.
  • 2010–2012: Postdoctoral research fellow (PIs Dr. Tony Tomsia & Pr. Rob Ritchie), Materials Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA.
  • Summer 2008: Research visitor (PIs Pr. Tony Evans & Pr. Frank Zok), Materials Department, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA.
  • Fall 2007: Research visitor (PI Pr. Jacques Lamon), Laboratoire des Composites Thermostructuraux (LCTS), Bordeaux I University, France.
  • 2006–2010: Master II and Doctoral research fellow (PI Pr. Pierre Ladevèze), Laboratoire de Mécanique et de Technologie (LMT-Cachan), École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS-Cachan), France.
  • Summer 2005: Master I research fellow (PI Dr. Wenyi Yan), Computational Engineering and Research Center (CERC), University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba, Australia.

Awards, Scholarships & Grants
